Occurrences (Einfall) and constructions; metapsychological, technical and theoretical-clinical aspects.


  • Luz M.. Porras


construcción, formación del inconsciente, material clínico, ocurrencias


In this piece of work the author, following Freud’s theory, reflects on two theoretical concepts: “occurrences (Einfall) and constructions”. The mutual relations in analysis, documented with pieces of analytical material from long ago, intend to show the effectiveness of constructions and of Einfall and (formations of the unconscious) proposed to the patient by the analyst.
This moves the author to include elements from the technique theory and metapsychological mechanisms that work in the analytical couple. Here, the condition of child mourning of the patient caused by the early death of her
mother during her childhood is pointed out. The author investigates the theoretical development of both concepts through
all Freud’s work, and this allows us to visualize the theoretical changes regarding the cure, as well as the formulation of the structure and working out of the psychic apparatus. These different aspects which are diachronic in Freud’s work prevail nowadays
in analysis in different moments of the process. This extension articulates and enables to enrich analytical practice and technique because it tackles with the psychic processes.


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How to Cite

Occurrences (Einfall) and constructions; metapsychological, technical and theoretical-clinical aspects. (2005). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 100, 203-221. http://publicaciones.apuruguay.org/index.php/rup/article/view/1536

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