About the multiple and divergent uses of the term "self-analysis".


  • Luis Campalans Pereda


This paper aims at dealing with the frequent and heterogeneous
approaches to the term “self analysis” in the field of contemporary analytical
thinking and literature. After attempting a definition of the concept – wich may
not be so obvious – this paper explores the original term coined by Freud with
the purpose of illustrating his experience with his own unconscious under a very particular transference with W. Fliess. This resulted in the advent of psychoanalysis. In addition to this, there is an attemp to clarify the diverse significations the term acquires in post-Freudian and contemporary psychoanalysis through the discussion of some of its multiple uses. This involves distinguishing the term self analysis from other concepts: the analyst’s preconscious reflection, post analytical elaboration, supervision or control
analysis and counter-transference analysis. As a conclusion, the Freudian statement of 1897 about the impossibility of self analysis is pondered not as phenomenal issue but as a logical impossibility due to the structural condition of the unconscious that establishes the subjective division. However, the topic is here addressed as it explores – though in a veiled way – the crucial matter of
the specificity of the analyst’s position, considered in terms of Lacan’s concept “the desire of the analyst.” 


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How to Cite

About the multiple and divergent uses of the term "self-analysis". (2004). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 99, 183-198. http://publicaciones.apuruguay.org/index.php/rup/article/view/1518

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