Representation and object relationship.


  • R. Horacio. Etchegoyen


representación, pulsión, relación de objeto, reseña conceptual


This piece of work explores the characteristics of two main notions in the development of psychoanalysis: representation and object relation. The author shows how both notions come from different theoretical settings and give rise to developments that are partly divergent. In this way, the ideas of primal narcissism and representation that are a central point in Freud’s drive theory
differ from Klein’s notion that the object exists from the beginning of life and is an essential part of human interiority.
Careful and condensed, Etchegoyen’s piece of work follows the evolution of both notions in authors such as Hartmann, Fairbain, Winnicott, Lacan, Laplanche and Green among others


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Relación de objeto

How to Cite

Representation and object relationship. (2003). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 98, 40-59.

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