The ineffable; the failure of the metaphor


  • Alicia Kachinovsky
  • Alicia Kachinovsky


literatura, psicoanálisis, metáfora, espacio transicional


The present work incluides in its title and its development one ofthe most enigmatic poems of Delmira Agustin. “The ineffable”. “Lo inefable” points out the human limits related to the endless search of the sense of everything that , in a certain way, affects the
subject. If we are allowed to place the metaphor on the side of life of what can be translated and linked, the failure of the metaphor refers to an unsuccessful attempt to abate the suffering and the psychic conflict. In this way sorne of the fragments of the poets epistolary correspondence is taken into account. The death Delmira invokes to inagurate her poem is tributary of the “mute 
thought” which is in this work related to the muteness of the “death drive”(the unlinked,the senseless). Paradoxical failure wich is placed in the context of the unquestionable metaphorical richness of her literary production. Failure which is finally understood as
that “untranslatable” which leads Delmira to the tragic ending of her life, wich the same poem vaticinates as a “Chronicle of a foretold death” (“Crónica de una muerte anunciada”).


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Bruner, Jerome. Actos de significado: más allá de la revolución cognitiva. Alianza editorial.

Eco, Umberto. Signo. Editorial Labor.

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Ramírez de Rossiello, Mercedes. Capítulo Oriental: la historia deja literatura uruguaya 14. Centro Editor de América Latina.

Winnicott, D. W. Realidad y juego. Editorial Gedisa.

Agustini, Delmira. Antología. Biblioteca Artigas. Colección de Clásicos Uruguayos.

Freud, S. Carta 52. Obras Completas, tomo 1. Amorrortu editores.

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How to Cite

The ineffable; the failure of the metaphor. (1995). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 82, 219-223.