Felisberto Hernández; a journey from pain to creation. Story Analysis: The Ball


  • Fernando Barrios Boibo


literatura, psicoanálisis, objeto transicional


The author tries to show a possible linkage between two ways of thinking the human expenence: the Literature and the Psychoanalysis; linkage wich doesn‘t alter the differences and doesn‘t mean the colonization of a field over the other.
It ‗s enunciated the hypothesis that between the creator and his creation it is established a relation of a transitional kind, in the winnicottian sense.


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Freud, S: ―Un recuerdo infantil de Leonardo da Vinci‖, 1910, Obras Completas, Ed. Biblioteca Nueva

Milner, M: ―El Psicoanálisis y el Arte‖, 1962, Paidós, Bs.As.

Hernández, E: Citado por Lockart, W. en ―Felisberto Hernández, una biografía literaria‖, 1991, Ed. Arca, Mdeo.

Freud. S: ―Recuerdos infantiles y encubridores‖, Obras Completas, Ed. Biblioteca Nueva.

Acevedo de Mendilaharsu: ―La memoria en Psicoanálisis‖ tomado de La Memoria desde la Neuropsicología, 1994, Ed. Roca Viva, Montevideo.




How to Cite

Felisberto Hernández; a journey from pain to creation. Story Analysis: The Ball. (1995). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 82, 183-188. http://publicaciones.apuruguay.org/index.php/rup/article/view/1391

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