The Hate, word and taboo
internet, society, comunication, culture, hate, taboo, punishment, public-privateAbstract
Our times coincide with the outbreak of a new function of the hand. Today, the hand moves, interacts, and agitates with its digits the new platforms of mass communication. The plasticity and dispositions of the hand, which
accompanied the most important developmental transformations of our species, seem to dominate everything today. They organize the encounters
of everyday life; they are the key that opens our identity in institutions; they bind us to social time through the speed of our electronic devices.
The image of the hand that moves the digital subject is that of practicality and comfort. This subject could have managed to put the whole of the real literally in his hands. This paper reflects on a certain reverse side of this image of the sovereign digital subject. It questions the role of the word and the insistence of hate within the infinite networks and the structures of the digital platforms.
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