On psychic determinism


  • Ricardo Bernardi


determinismo, modelo, causalidad, investigación científica, tiempo, material clínico


Freud ideas on psychic determinism were in agreement with the ideas of his time. But as time went by the classical concept of determinism was questioned by science. Development in nowadays science in areas like Quantum Theory and Thermodynamics
lead to a non-determinist vision of the world based either on our knowledge limitations or on the nature of reality.
Psychoanalysis has also had to review the concept of causality. From an hermeneutic point of view, it has been said that human reasons or motives can not- be dealt with as if they were natural causes. On the other side, it has been held that clinical evidence alone is not enough to support an ethiological hypothesis and that other kind of data (epidemiological or experimental) are needed.
To go further in this problem it is necessary to study the different languages used in psychoanalysis. The analysis of an example (Andre Oreen’s paper about the dead mother) shows that it is possible to differentiate at least three languages: a) a
metaphorical language about singular phenomena and that does not implies causal relations; b) a series of statements expressed in natural language about the supposed ethiologic factors that is compatible with the empiric investigations about risk factors
and c) a metapsychological language, composed by more abstract metaphores that oscilates between the two languages previously mentioned. The answer to the problem of determinism will depend on the way the relationship between these three languages is


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