Psychoanalysis in the Vertigo of Civilizational Mutation; Psychoanalytic Practice in the Current Context


  • Marcelo N. Viñar


sociología, antropología, cambio, sexualidad, sociedad, psicoanálisis


The fast moving and radical changes that are taking place in this global society ( in the structure of production and employment, in the urbanization, the mass media and computer technology, in the crisis of discourses and utopias) cannot but produce deep transformations in the social relationships and psychopathology, that we should explore from our own perplexity. The context of the civilization as well as the subject who is consulting is different from when psychoanalytic theory and practice began. The author tries to identify and describe some of the features of the present culture (that some disciplines call civilization mutation) and asks himself about its impact on the subjectivity and therefore on current psychoanalytical practice.


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How to Cite

Psychoanalysis in the Vertigo of Civilizational Mutation; Psychoanalytic Practice in the Current Context. (2000). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 91, 160-176.

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