Psychoanalytic reflections on the end of the century


  • Julia. Braun


sociedad, memoria, holocausto, cultura


The authors make a comparaison betweentwo socio-cultural Contexts and the prevailing pathologies of each one of them.First, Vienna, at the endofthe century with itvictorian moral,where Freud correlatedsexual repressionwith neurosis.Second, the present time, wherethe prevailing pathologies move in the domain of perversion and psychopathy in a society with social values decayed.The authors believe that wars as well as the coming up oftotalitarisms and genocides,shape a model of society where the tanatic prevail on the erotic.These ideasare correlated with the investigations of Enriquez, Kaës, Puget and Rosolato.Finally the authors ask themselves about what kind of psychi apparatus will be generate in a society where the victorian rigidity was substituted by the complacency: “all‟s fair”.As analysts, the authors conclude: we have to state and hold this question, ifnot, we risk to become accomplice of the detraction of Freudian‟s heritage.


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How to Cite

Psychoanalytic reflections on the end of the century. (1994). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 79-80, 201-211.

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