Alterity and psychoanalysis; French psychoanalysis at the end of the century


  • Flora Singer


paradigma, cogito cartesiano, alteridad, sujeto del inconsciente, clivaje, significante, saber, verdad, reseña conceptual


The actual discourse ofsciences and even, of culture, gives a place to alterity, fragmentation, indetermination, all categories of thought put aside in the previous rationalist and positivist paradigm.Psychanalysis is also questionned by these categories. Weanalyse historicalfiliations of French psychanalysis, and inside it, J. Lacan‟s thought. Lacan‟s theory in the context of the French thought is tributary to the human sciences‟ development, specially the so called discontinuity thought and structuralism: but it is also tributary to a wider field which questions all sciencies, not only human ones, referring to alterity.This is illustrated with the two major concepts in which Lacan‟s theory is built on: the Spaltung and the significant‟s logic. Both conceptualisations, with ah their consequences, permit to break with an epistemology of totality, thus introducing alteritywith all its aspects: singularity, indetermination, non-knowledge.This not only determines a certain conception of the psychanalytic clinic, but also ranks psychanalysis with the other sciences by theway of a common interrogation which at the time of Freud turned around knowing about the unconscious, and now, at the end of our century, catches the part of irreductibility involved in this sort of knowledge


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How to Cite

Alterity and psychoanalysis; French psychoanalysis at the end of the century. (1994). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 79-80, 155-168.