Illusion, belief and truth.


  • Myrta Casas de Pereda


ilusión, creatividad primaria, deseo, fenómeno transicional


Continuing with thoughts regarding psychicstructuring elaborated in previous papers, we underline the importance of Symbolization as the working through of absence.The effects ofhelplessness (hilflosigkeit) and the radical importance of the other: the fellow creature of the Freudian Specific Action, the mother in her symbolic function, are evidenced during the protractedtime of infantile symbolization.The enigmatic, the true function of the enigma, appears as a consequence of the division in agencies the division of the subject) Contingent to Structuring events. It is context which gives way to thespace-time of illusion and beliefs. It is likewise the space-time of the ―Live Metaphor‖, the milieu/environment of denial, described in previous papers.Comings and goings from Darstellung (figuration) to Vorstellung (representation) are considered as partof the vicissitudes of desire and defense.When correlating with contributions made by Winnicott on illusion, in the area of experience, we propose that it be considered as part of a dialectic pair together with disillusion -both expressing unconscious expectations and desires (inconscions).The desire to know (ego functions) supports illusions andbeliefs (included among infantile sexual theories) appearing in response to questions (enigmas): the not-knowing proper to allsubjective structuringwhich includes defenses, such as repression, denial, etc.Like the dream, illusion and beliefs figure realizations of desire (not satisfaction but realization).We trace back the etymologyto support the strength of image and thus come closer to the narcissistic context pertaining to the times during which illusion is born. The concept of ―illusion of unity‖ coined by M. Milner serves to illustrate the constitutive narcissistic root of illusion which on the one hand opens the path for ideals, but which also represents a risk of dual enthronement, the obturation of the enigma, control of absence (magic), in lieu of elaboration (work of symbolization).To Winnicott‘s proposal, we therefore add the idea that it is a creative area insofar as the response given by the other opens a path for desire.We therefore thinkthat something true, in the sense ofconstitutive of subjectivity, is at stake in the concepts of illusion and beliefs


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