The Elderly, the Other

Psychoanalytical Work and Inclusion


  • Abel Fernández Ferman


tercera edad


The article reflects from a psychoanalytical perspective on old age in terms of a process of slipping towards exclusion, as the elderly person may be perceived as a threat to the narcissistic self-image of the young. This threat refers to a number of losses concerning our body and mind and our place in a society trapped in competitive relations. As the difference appears it outlines a radically strange and foreign other, which may rightfully be excluded. During a dialectical movement the other identifies us and reaffirms our imaginary identity by opposition. A link is established between the exclusion of the problem of old age and the fear of "returning" to the early state of defencelessness of the human being after birth, when he/she depends entirely on another human being in order to survive and develop his/her humanity. The article outlines a number of guiding principles for psychoanalytical interventions with elderly persons, which can be seen as a core question of ethics in psychoanalysis.


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Author Biography

  • Abel Fernández Ferman

    Miembro Titular de APU


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How to Cite

The Elderly, the Other: Psychoanalytical Work and Inclusion. (2009). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 108, 158-169.