The Heterogeneity of the Unconscious and Psychic Conflict


  • Susana García Vázquez


técnica psicoanalítica, inconsciente, lo arcaico, actuación, somatización


The author seeks to account for the existence of a heterogeneous unconscious, constituted by a variety of signs, with different possibilities of psychic elaboration, which determines differences in the clinical work and in the conceptualization of the conflict at stake. What emerges in the free association through the different unconscious formations and marked by the oedipal conflict is of
a fundamental importance. This is the conflict between the wish and the prohibition. What arises in the scene of the analysis as an
act, as somatic suffering, is the product of traces without words which challenge the limits of the analysis and demand a patient work in the transference, where it is vital to maintain differentiation, limits, the commitment of the analyst and its risks and the
construction in the scene of the analysis.


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Author Biography

  • Susana García Vázquez

    Miembro Titular APU


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How to Cite

The Heterogeneity of the Unconscious and Psychic Conflict. (2009). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 109, 77-90.