Marks of helplessness

on some present repercussions of the Shoah


  • Rosa Zytner


helplessness, holocaust, survivor, trauma, mourning, repetition, nazism, memory, the irrepresentable, transgenerational


Reflecting on the Shoah at present implies dealing with a complex and multifaceted event, devastating for humanity, which has indelibly been inscribed and, among other things, refers to marks of helplessness in the survivors and their descendants; marks of helplessness that reveal effects of the traumatic in its organizing and disruptive facets on the psychic
organization, both in its psychoanalytic and sociocultural dimensions. In its capacity as a mark-wound that can hardly heal in the subjectivity of those directly involved and the following generations, the Shoah does not allow for simple and linear conceptualizations. Event in the borderline area between the psychic and the social, twofold, concerning the human
species in its entirety. Provoking a radical shift from the familiar and foreseeable to the strange, unsettling, uncanny, it has introduced profound transformations at psychic level and in the social and cultural environments, thus shaping
up an «uncanny social context» (Lutenberg, cited by Zytner, 2013) of helplessness that the new generations have tried to approach and work through, facing its connotation of uncanny legacy. More than eighty years later, beyond its own specificity, it continues
to constitute a paradigmatic and emblematic bulwark of what have been and continue being extreme episodes of social catastrophe that render radical account of the extreme violence exerted by one human being over another, which continues to pervade at present, from other expressions, the psychic and social weft. 


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Author Biography

  • Rosa Zytner

    Psicoterapeuta habilitante y supervisora de la Asociación Uruguaya de Psicoterapia Psicoanalítica.


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How to Cite

Marks of helplessness: on some present repercussions of the Shoah. (2018). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 127, 46-57.

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