Pain and growth by intertwining.

broadening the observable spectrum


  • Leandro Stitzman


mourning, pain, psychic change/, trauma, clinical material


This paper is a part of an investigation taking part in the limits of the psychoanalytic theory. This theory looks forward to starting a path that merge the existing caesurabetween different models, both inside and outside the boundaries of the psychoanalytic field, aiming to make a playful exercise with models that allows the opening of the observational diaphragm. Thus, the ideas contained here find their origins within the thoughts of Wilfred Bion, Albert Einstein, John Bell, Darío Sor, René Thom, Melanie Klein
and James Grotstein. The author presents the relation between entanglement, growth and grief using models, theories and observations. The main hypothesis stands that growth implies a grief elaboration; grief elaboration implies changing the moment
of the personality; this implies modifying the location coordinates; which implies to produce a transformational process of de-entanglement.


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Author Biography

  • Leandro Stitzman

    Miembro del Instituto de Formación de la Sociedad Argentina de Psicoanálisis.


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How to Cite

Pain and growth by intertwining. : broadening the observable spectrum. (2013). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 117, 63-84.

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