Winnicott: From Early Libido to Deep Drives


  • Dominique Scarfone
  • Laura Verissimo de Posadas
  • Martha Gómez de Sprechmann


father, object, mother, drive, original seduction, Winnicott, Donald


The author suggests that, contrary to appearances, Winnicott’s thought is highly compatible with the drive theory inspired by Freud and with Jean Laplanche’s theory of generalized seduction. A careful reading of some of Winnicott’s major articles allows the author to expound the dynamics of drives where one can distinguish between an «early libido», directed at reestablishing the undiff erentiated union with the mother, and a «deep sexual drive». The latter, through the use of an object, is coextensive with a sense of individual unity and the dialectics between total and partial object.


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Author Biographies

  • Dominique Scarfone

    Miembro Titular de la Sociedad Canadiense de Psicoanálisis

  • Martha Gómez de Sprechmann

    Referencias bibliográfi cas de la versión de los textos en español


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LACAN, J. (1966). Del «Trieb» de Freud y del deseo del psicoanalista. En: Escritos. 7ª ed. México, Siglo Veintiuno, 1981. v. 2: 387−390.

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MERLEAU-PONTY, M. L´Institution. La Passivité. Notes de Cours au Collège de France 1954−55. Paris, Belin, 2003.

SCARFONE, D. (2000). Laplanche and Winnicott meet… and survive. En: Sex and sexuality: winnicottian perspectives. Dir. Lesley Caldwell. London, Karnac, 2005.

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WINNICOTT, D. W. (1957). Sobre la contribución al psicoanálisis de la observación directa del niño. En: Los procesos de maduración y el ambiente facilitador; estudios para una teoría del desarrollo emocional (1965). Bs. As., Paidós, 1993: 141−148.

— (1963). El miedo al derrumbe. En: Exploraciones psicoanalíticas (1989). Comp. C. Winnicott, R. Shepherd, M. Davis. Bs. As., Paidós, 1993 v. 1: 111−121.

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How to Cite

Winnicott: From Early Libido to Deep Drives. (2011). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 112, 55-71.