Lacan and the analytical group:

the uses and ends of the enjoyment of exclusion


  • Alberto C. Cabral


jouissance, exclusion, psychoanalytic institution, alterity, pluralism, desire of the analyst, power, narcississm


The vicissitudes of the enjoyment (jouissance) of exclusion are explored —fundament, for Lacan, of all groups — and their manifestations in the analytical group: their debaucheries, but also the reactive formations that try to domesticate it, promoting a formal pluralism. The notion of «narcissism of small differences» is reformulated. Explorations of Lacan and political scientist M. Walzer are explored to account for alternative (non-neurotic) destinations of segregative jouissance. We propose an answer to Wallerstein’s question (“A psychoanalysis or several?»): As many psychoanalysis, as psychoanalysts.


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Author Biography

  • Alberto C. Cabral

    Miembro titular Asociación Psicoanalítica Argentina


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How to Cite

Lacan and the analytical group:: the uses and ends of the enjoyment of exclusion. (2019). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 129, 98-111.