Abstinence and Transgression


  • Fanny Schkolnik


regla de abstinencia, neutralidad, proceso psicoanalítico, vinculo terapéutico


This paper goes into the features of the relationship between the patient and his analyst, a relationship in which a certain distance is kept in spite of closeness, an encounter or confrontation which should benefit the process whose objective is knowing the unconscious. Going beyond different theories and schools, analysis takes place at the clinical level with that special kind of relationship in which the setting, transference and interpretation are ah tied together giving birth to transference neurosis in the patient and allowing “another hearing” by the analyst’s listening. The rule of abstinence, in as far as it implies deprivation - prohibition, acts as an engine to unchain the process of analysis. And in the dialectic interplay with abstinence there is transgression: the task of analysis of setting the stage for, and putting in action unconscious wishes is in itself transgressing. Finally, this paper tries to forward a conception of the analytic process as the result of a swinging to and fro between transgression and abstinence, and to explain the special features which make up the relationship between a patient and his analyst from this point of view.


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