The The obscene patient of the night. In the world of jouissance


  • Vivián Rimano


jouissance, helplessness, clinical material, transferenceç, acting, other, desubjetivization


Based on the traumatic history of a patient, the paper is an attempt to reflect on a given moment of the analysis, where he enacts traces of the helplessness he experienced, which he had kept split off his subjectivity.
Splitting of the marks left by not having felt he was recognized as an «other» by his parental figures and which found expression through a promiscuous, desubjectivized, compulsive sexuality, where he put his life at risk, wandering around in the world of the «jouissance». There, he acted archaic alienating identifications, stemming from a family history experienced
as uncanny, which made him feel like «a piece of shit», «deformed», «despicable», «a murderer».


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Author Biography

  • Vivián Rimano

    Miembro asociado de la Asociación Psicoanalítica del Uruguay. 


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How to Cite

The The obscene patient of the night. In the world of jouissance. (2019). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 128, 141-150.