Paranoid depression


  • Jorge Galeano Muñoz


posición ezquizoparanoide, posición depresiva, superyo temprano, material clínico


Under the name of “depressive-paranoid level” a structure of object-relation is described, which differs from both schizoparanoid and depressive-melancholic positions described by Melanie Klein. It is distinguished by a qualitative modification
of the characteristics of the ego, of the object and of the super-ego instance and implies behaviour corresponding to this objectrelation. The object is not dissociated; it comprises negative aspects, persecutory and feared, and positive aspects, protective, gratifying and loved, integration being labile, with predominance of the former aspects. The super-ego instance is characterized by moral obligation: what is not to be done. It is necessary to take care of the object in order to placate it. The object is
feared and respected and there is preoccupation for the preservation of the ego. Behaviour is consistent with this need of the object. The persecutor is respected and can be no longer destroyed with impunity. Aggression towards the object is
harmful. The object is needed and loss of it is feared. There is still no love for the object but it is looked after because of the need of it. There is no real grief but envy and protest because of the dependency that this need of the object involves. Admission of dependency and need is the first, inevitable and accepted contact with


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