The archons of the archive


  • Juan C. Capo


psychiatry, history of psychoanalysis, transference, publication, research, therapeutic bond, mental illness


The author of the article focuses on the notion of “File of evil. A Freudian impression”. This is the title of Jacques Derrida’s book, thinker and philosopher, influenced by psychoanalysis, and Freud’s Works. In them, he highlights the letter to his friend Fliess, dated December 6, 1896, where Freud describes his writing, settling in a stratification, which Derrida assimilates to an archaeological excavation. In them, verbal layers, signs of perception, works of memory enduring of verbalizing and the inclusion of an unprecedented, unconscious logic, where the circumcision, with the sense of castration stands out. Another point is the destructive motions of archive. Hence the name of file of evil. These motions are conjugated with the repression, denial, death drives, aggression and even the destruction of the file. Derrida’s book is divided in chapters: EXERGO PREAMBULO, PROLOGUE, THESIS and POST SCRIPTUM. The file should also be considered as a place of belonging, but also of mandate, duty and belonging. It matters more what comes from the future than from the past. Derrida creates the notion of spectrum, related to that of ghost. Ultimately
the ARKHÉ appears, (origin, first), the archons, guardians of the ark, temple or institution and a spectral messianism emerge, related to the unconscious.


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Author Biography

  • Juan C. Capo

    Miembro titular de la Asociación Psicoanalítica del Uruguay. 


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