The primitive:

a beginning which never ends


  • Marcelo Viñar


the archaic, subjectivation, language, thought, culture, time, comunication


The myth of access to an originating and founding reality; point of departure in the itinerary of a search. A biologist would place the origin of life as the penetration of a sperm into the egg; a psychoanalyst would place it in the telling of a human couple of their desire to procreate. Arké is not therefore a material event traceable through an historical chronology, but rather an option of the investigator. The basic premises of Freudian discovery are not the same today as they were in the times of their founder; due to a digital revolution and a civilizing vertigo. To search for the Arké to perceive the boundaries between reality and fantasy, or between public and private, are aspects to question in order to understand the social links of the 21st Century.


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Author Biography

  • Marcelo Viñar

    Miembro de Honor de la Asociación Psicoanalítica del Uruguay


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Todorow, T. (1989). Nous et les autres. Paris: Editions du Seuil.

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How to Cite

The primitive:: a beginning which never ends. (2019). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 129, 30-38.