Confusion and Acting out; Some Aspects of the Analysis of a Homosexual Patient.


  • Aída A. Fernández


homosexualidad masculina, hipocondría, confusión, clivaje, actuación, defensa primaria, mecanismos esquizoides, envidia, voracidad, integración, culpa persecutoria, destrucción, caso clínico


The purpose of this paper is to describe the analysis of a homosexual patient, outlining some of his aspects. The vinculation between the homosexual symptom is studied, the confusion and hypochondriac phenomena is stated. Based on the material provided by the patient, it was possible to observe the interplay of three defenses, characterizing the whole evolution of the analysis. These are: 1) The excesive abnormal splitting; fragmentated objects with pronounced mechanisms of projective identification, provoked by them. 2) A confusional condition (absence of the identity feeling) which is also felt in the body in the form of an hypochondriac anguish. 3) The homosexual acting out as an exorcism of the persecution fantasy of the primary scene. The presence of oral-sadical impulses and voracity is underlined conjugated, with an important envy, at the vinculation of primary objects ~transferencial relationship). The emergency of new splitting and new projective identification, each time the patient feels that his defenses are vulnerable to the interpretative work, show the catastrophic experience he feels in being destroyed by his hate (persecutive guilt), as well as his wish to kill-destroy the primary object (analyst). His objects due to this are very fragmentary, mutilated, confused, with parts of his ego in an undiscriminated mixture, encircling the patient in a very persecutive union with them. He tries to escape from this situation, confusion himself or performing his perversive fantasies, that is to say, being a-one with the hated-frightful object.


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How to Cite

Confusion and Acting out; Some Aspects of the Analysis of a Homosexual Patient. (1967). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 9(2), 149-200.

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