Symbiotic transference experiences at the time of completion of an analysis
simbiosis, transferencia, objeto persecutorio, objeto idealizado, ansiedad, defensas maníacas, confusión, envidia, caso clínicoAbstract
This is the case of an adolescent, 12 years old, who was part of a symbiotic family group. The analytic material makes it possible to study a transferential symbiotic relationship. This work aims at showing how different aspects of the transferential
symbiosis appear in the analytic material at the time the separation from the analyst was considered.
The family group is studied: its constitution, inter-relations hips among its members and the distribution of roles.
After discussing various aspects and defenses which characterized the course of the treatment, one presents the graphic material taken from eleven consecutive sessions, in which appears the peculiar character of the symbiotic link; how the analyst is experienced, as a patient’s part; the situation of the double, of the image in the mirror, of the twin appears quite objectively. An
attempt is made at discriminating what is at stake at every moment in what is projected in the analyst, at showing the vicissitudes of the transferential link and the difficulties found in its dissolution. The following conclusions derive from the material and the evolution of the present case:
1) The necessity of differentiating the quality of what is mainly projected. 2) According to it, the quality of the transferential link may vary to a certain extent allowing for better prospects regarding prognostic. 3) The supposition that symbiotic situations establish themselves at different levels of integration provides grounds for understanding and justification of different results of analytic treatment in different patients with symbiotic transference.
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