Identity and adolescence


  • Mercedes Freire de Garbarino


The hypothesis of this work is that the anxieties that are characteristics of adolescents could be determined by the loss of infantile identity, creating in them a state of confusion. We study two aspects of this situation: the body and society; both in relation
with the ego. We consider the body scheme as one of the most important elements in the construction of identity. Thus the changes that happen in the body, in a functional and anatomical sense, near puberty, are the first cause of identity loss. The outer world, also, has an influence on the infantile identity; identity that the adolescent brings about when he faces the world as an adult. The interrelation of his new body scheme and his ego, and of the society and his objects and the inner objects (of the adolescent) belonging to his infancy, are some of the elements which determine the loss of his identity. At the same time, those are the most important elements that help to restore a new identity, adult identity, thus making possible the elaboration of adolescence


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