El espacio de la angustia


  • Gilberto Koolhaas


The transition from the primary process to the secondary process through the original repression is the transformation from the schizoid position of dreaming into the conscious situation of existing-in-the-world. The primary unconscious phantasy expresses the threefold oral gratification (described by Bertram Lewin) as well as the threefold schizoid defence (described by Melanie Klein). Dreaming is: eating, being eaten and sleeping through which the ego denies the awakening stimulus, dissociates time and eternity, hallucinating the ideal prenatal union. With the secondary process the ego denounces to eternity and temporalizes, stretching it self between memory and expectancy. The body renounces to the infinite union with the mother and exists finitude. This bifurcation of the body ego into reflection and incarnation necessarily originates intersubjective empathy.
Seeing the other body is a-presenting the other ego, is making the other’s point of view present. The objective space is given by such identification in such a change of orientation. As temporalization is the unfolding of the three existential categories: reflexivity, incarnation and intersubjective empathy, the worldly space constitutes itself as horizon, point of view and path. The existencial constitution of space determinates the phenomenology of conscious perception. Only temporalization constitutes a temporal stream in which the experience of permanence is possible the incarnation of a point of view constitutes the horizon against which only the Thing can perspectivize itself as a total. With the starting
of language, intrinsec, to intersubjective empathy, general signnifcance is constituted, an ideal light in which the Thing can individualize itself as real. The memory of dream vision, in contrast with the memory of conscious perception, appears as vanishing, fragmentary and unreal: the Shadow.
Once the prisoner liberates himself from the Platonic cavern, he recongnises his previous vision as Shadow. The loss of temporalization is the loss of being-in-the-world, the obturation of the Opening in which the Thing appears; it is the sinking into the cavern. And it means being stricken motionless in front of the screen where the correlation of horizon and point of view is lost due to the breakdown of the body limits. And it means the isolation in the mirror of Narcissus when the path towards the others, communication, fades away.


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