Vicissitudes of the structure of the family in the XXI century

Paternal function: decline/transformations


  • Marcelo Viñar


paternal function, culture, society, subjectivation, helplessness


The paper intends to question the present function of the father, which implies to be judge and jury in one’s own case, as regards the subject addressed. It is what Mijail Bajtin calls the organization of a dialogical field that is characteristic of the sciences of the subject, subordinated to an epistemology which is different from that of the natural sciences. It is an always conjectural and controversial acquired knowledge. Three perspectives are briefly discussed: customs and habits, social sciences and the perspective of psychoanalysis itself, in order to challenge our specificity regarding neighboring fields, seeking a porous language in
an attempt to avoid tribal dialects 


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Author Biography

  • Marcelo Viñar

    Miembro titular de la Asociación Psicoanalítica del Uruguay. 


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How to Cite

Vicissitudes of the structure of the family in the XXI century: Paternal function: decline/transformations. (2013). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 117, 137-160.