Sexuality and cultural changes


  • Javier García


sexuality, culture, idea, jouissance, gaze, posmodernity


The author considers the concepts of «representation» and «representative of the representation» as an instinctual representative to argue that, both the erogenous inscriptions and the circuits of human sexuality are marked by cultural changes. Culture is the place where human sexuality is constructed and displayed. He cites the social and cultural movements of the 60’s as having
great influence in current sexuality, in the system of relationships, in the identifications and in the circuits of the wish and interchange. Finally from late modernism the author takes the abundant offer of virtual objects, the predominance of the visual and the hyper-reality of the representations. From this point he questions if the predominance of the visual with its characteristic of passing boundaries, will bring the incestuous object too close in the form of hyper-real representations. The resulting enjoyment could allow us to understand the forms that anxiety acquires in presentations of panic attacks.


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Author Biography

  • Javier García

    Miembro titular de la Asociación Psicoanalítica del Uruguay.


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