Psychic structuring


  • Myrta Casas de Pereda


mother-infant relationship, no, ort-da, idea, contact, non-verbal language


The author proposes an interplay of presence - absence as the core of psychic structuration that gives consistency to the negation symbol. It is the negative, negativity, denial entity that separates subject from object leading
to discrimination. Three modalities of No are highlighted: Discriminating denial takes place from the beginning of life in the
maternal discourse. It´s correlative defense is the denial, absence can’t be tolerated because death is implied.
No of the forbidden also present in everyday life, it emerges always as a limit that comes from outside, it could be a boundary against everyday life. This transgression or lacking of articulation implies a death threat of desire because it takes place there the No of incest prohibition. Negation takes place as a damning judgement although it is the «intellectual substitute of repression» being the No a signal of it. The importance of the symbolic value of maternal function is underlined that should be able to go along and influence the structuration transit where the child diagrams at the same time his subjectivity.


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Author Biography

  • Myrta Casas de Pereda

    Miembro titular de la Asociación Psicoanalítica del Uruguay. 


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