The craft of the analyst and his tool box

interpretation revisited


  • Virginia Ungar


subjectivation, psychic change, adolescence, splitting, clinical material, globalization, society, paternal function, interpretation


In the last fifty years infant, adolescent and adult subjectivities have undergone greater and greater modifications due to changes in the surrounding culture. This paper is focused above all on the resulting modifications in family configurations, modalities of upbringing and the advance of technology. These transformations have had a significant impact on psychoanalytic practice, both in the clinical matter we encounter in our everyday work and in technique, and there will also be possible modifications in psychoanalytic theory. This panorama leads us necessarily to consider whether the tools forged in the times of the birth of Psychoanalysis retain their validity, or whether they have been affected by changes in the intervening period and of the present day. The topics of psychoanalytic interpretation and the setting will also be dealt with.


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Author Biography

  • Virginia Ungar

    Miembro de la Asociación Psicoanalítica Argentina.


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How to Cite

The craft of the analyst and his tool box: interpretation revisited. (2015). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 121, 41-63.