Differentiating parental function

the matrix for the otherness and the sexual difference


  • Ema Ponce de León


parentaly, paternal function, narcicism, diferenciation, subjetivation, intersubjectivity


The paper suggests an articulation and extension of the importance of the inscription of differences, from the perspective of parenting, so as to raise it to the standard of a function, naming it differentiating parental function,
thus emphasizing its symbolic quality. In clinical work, this function is integrated into the analytical function when working with the narcissistic pole to be found in the bonds between parents and children. It acquires an ethical character in the analytical stance, in the face of the diverse nature of our patients. This is especially important in contemporary society, where a profound intolerance to all kinds of differences can be found, taking into account the intricacy between the individual and the social level. The recognition of differences assumes a long chain of events that starts before birth, in the parental couple, and is afterwards supported
by the movements of psychic inscription in the child, within the frame of intersubjectivity. The text highlights the construction process of the scaffoldings of differences, from the primary bodily bond as a support for more complex levels, such as sexuation. The differentiating function is presented as an essential part of parenting, which begins in a dyadic level, but can only be consolidated in the triadic level of psychic functioning 


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Author Biography

  • Ema Ponce de León

    Miembro titular de la Asociación Psicoanalítica del Uruguay. 


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How to Cite

Differentiating parental function: the matrix for the otherness and the sexual difference. (2017). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 125, 69-82. http://publicaciones.apuruguay.org/index.php/rup/article/view/185

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