Problematizing is not stigmatizing


  • Vivián Rimano Asociación Psicoanalítica del Uruguay



Gender identity, Identification, Clinical material, Subjectivation, Sex, Wish, Originary violence


In this paper we try to think, from a clinical point of view, about patients who present discomfort with the sex assigned at birth. The author states that, in her experience with them, she could listen to their suffering hidden under their demand or statement of feeling of the «other sex». It is believed that it is necessary to «listen» to what leads them to this assertion, and this is not to stigmatize them, but to problematize listening, the task of every analyst.
A brief review is made of the theory of P. Aulagnier and J. Laplanche, who gave a psychoanalytic status to the concept of
gender, highlighting the parental unconscious that parasitizes the gender assignment and that the infant must translate. She shares two clinical cases with the readers in order to think the complexity that infiltrates the patient’s discomfort. The interpretation of the two cases does not imply a generalization for all the cases, which will always be guided by the singularity, which will always be guided by the personal conflicts of each patient.


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How to Cite

Problematizing is not stigmatizing. (2023). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 136/137, 201-214.