Bringing female passion structuring


  • Alicia Leisse de Lustgarten Sociedad Psicoanalítica de Caracas



Love, Passion, Narcississm, Feminity, Relationship, Mother-daughter relationship, Subjectivation


The lines covered are intended to highlight how passion or passionate states are gestated, a framework of the early experiences of
psychic development, dwelling on that particular thing that makes women. We have moved into the terrain of the beginnings of life,where narcissistic satisfactions reign, managing the self, as well as polar experiences of all or nothing, of gratifications within the illusion of completeness that color that early world. The progressive advent of the condition of subject faces the small being with the lack, motor of desire, fantasized way in its process of subjectivation,condition of life.


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How to Cite

Bringing female passion structuring. (2023). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 136/137, 137-146.

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