Paternal presence in a changing world


  • Heribert Blass Asociación Psicoanalítica Alemana



Paternal function, Paternity, Erogenous body, Incest prohibition, Culture, Clinical material


Over the past more than fifty years, there has been a significant change in the understanding of the father’s position and meaning
in child development. Whereas previously the father was seen more as a distant person and, in terms of the Freudian conception
of the Oedipus constellation, as a mediator of Oedipal prohibitions to establish a symbolic order, a cultural shift has led to new family constellations and to new conceptions of the father’s position. This article aims to compare and relate recent psychoanalytic and developmental psychological views of the importance of the father with the classical Oedipal concept. Based on the basic father function of protecting the child, a father protection on the preoedipal level and oedipal level are distinguished. Both complement each other and, according to the author, lead to an «anti-incestuous position» of the father. This thesis is illustrated by a clinical example.


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How to Cite

Paternal presence in a changing world. (2023). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 136/137, 19-39.

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