Sueños,proceso analítico y cambio psíquico


  • Daniel Castillo Soto



Clinical material, Dream, Psychoanalytical process, Psychic change, Transference, Countertransference, Technique of dream interpretation, Dream-work


The study and interpretation of dreams marked a starting point in the identity of psychoanalysis, in a period in which our discipline was trying to begin to constitute itself as a theory, therapeutics and research method distinct from the neurology and psychology of the time. With the efforts made by Freud in the construction of the doctrine of dreams and the subsequent contributions of other psychoanalysts, working with dreams became a valuable resource for the clinic, allowing to bring into the analytical
situation unconscious aspects that otherwise might be more difficult to grasp. The author suggests that, within the framework of a sustained analytic process, there would be a relationship between the appearance and narration of some dreams and certain indicators of psychic change of which the analysand is not yet aware, being that precisely the deep revision of the oniric material and the gradual elaboration of these contents in session, within the framework of the transference, would make possible
mobilizations in the life of the patients, for which they already seemed to be prepared in an unconscious register, but which still needed an adequate way for their expression and subsequent processing.


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How to Cite

Sueños,proceso analítico y cambio psíquico. (2022). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 134, 105-124.