André Green. Clinical Thinking: Contemporary, Complex, Tertiary


  • Fernando Urribarri


paradigma, epistemología, encuadre psicoanalítico, psicoanalista, proceso terciario, pulsión de muerte, método psicoanalítico, mente del psicoanalista, encuadre interno, Green, André


This paper deals with the notion of «clinical thought» created by André Green. It proposes to understand it in the context of the author’s work in relation to three conceptual axes that qualifies the clinical thought as: contemporary, complex and terciary. «Clinical thought» in A. Green’s intelectual path fits into what ´s called «the turn of the year 2000», marked by the project of a new psychonalytic model or paradigm, in order to overcome the crisis of the post-freudian models ( Klein, Lacan, etc). In this context the paper indicates the double trend of the clinical thought: epistemology and clinical theory. In regard to epistemology it underlines the relationship between clinical thought and the complexity paradigma (as developed by Edgar Morin and others) in as much as certain criticism of ideology and reductionism (by the importation of extra-analytical methods and models) that guide the policy of research in IPA. «Clinical thought» is a notion that procures the specifics of psychoanalytic thought in both practice and theoretical production. As far as the clinic is concerned the paper deals with the relation between clinical thought with the contemporary model that seeks to articulate and go beyond freudian and post freudian models, specifically in regard to analytical work, floating attention and counter-transference. It also presents the relationship between the notion of clinical thought and the «dialogic matrix of the setting» and «inner setting»


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Author Biography

  • Fernando Urribarri

    Miembro titular de la Asociación Psicoanalítica Argentina


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How to Cite

André Green. Clinical Thinking: Contemporary, Complex, Tertiary. (2012). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 114, 154-173.