The Inescapable Anxiety


  • Myrta Casas de Pereda


sublimation, anxiety, repression, mourning


The libidinal sustratum of the unconscious subjective structuring process implies the conjunction of repression and identification which give shape to the unconcious and the ego. The paper underscores the importance of sublimation working together with the vicissitudes of repression and soothing the fire of anxiety. Sublimating is not moving away from the drive towards valued aims. What is valued is the drive itself, whose itinerary always depends, in turn, on the wish of the other-Other in play. It is not the loss of the object which causes anxiety, but it is rather the quality of the predicates that refer to such loss. Anxiety, with its proximity and solidarity with sublimation, can be found in each and every one of the formations of the unconscious. Anxiety is a signal of the proximity of the jouissance to which sublimation responds. The early creation of infant sexual theories constitutes a good example of sublimation. Illusion, as part of the diad illusion-disillusion, is essential in the work with narcissism which redimensions the ideal at the same time as it implies the elaboration of the processes of mourning.


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Author Biography

  • Myrta Casas de Pereda

    Miembro titular de la Asociación Psicoanalítica del Uruguay


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