The place of the other in psychoanalytic theory and practice


  • Nancy Delpréstitto de Villalba
  • Enrique Gratadoux
  • Damián Schroeder


relaci´on de objeto, yo, otro, narcicismo


The conceptual structure of this paper originates in a seminar coordinated by the authors under the title: “The object, the other
and the ego in the constitution of the psyche”. Such proposal implied the choice of a thematic approach, instead of an “author
development”, with the aim of making the theoretical pluralism, which we inhabit and inhabits us, “work”.
We found that the notion of “other” is frequently used in the dialogues among colleagues without much accuracy or
rigorousness. The case which is paradigmatic is that of the notions of other and object, used indistinctly on many occasions. In order
to delimit our area, we surveyed the “inside” of Freud’s work so as to underline some passages, significant in our opinion, where
we can consider the figures of the other and how they have been conceived of in further developments by authors like Lacan,
Laplanche, Winnicott, Green and others. We have used the contributions made by these authors as a
reference in terms of sexuality, narcissism and mourning, where the concept of other becomes clearly evident.
Finally, we were interested in making an attempt to articulate these contributions in order to think about our present analytic


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Author Biographies

  • Nancy Delpréstitto de Villalba

    Miembro Asociado de APU. 

  • Enrique Gratadoux

    Miembro Titular de APU. 

  • Damián Schroeder

    Miembro Asociado de APU. 


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Práctica psicoanalítica , trabajando las diferencias

How to Cite

The place of the other in psychoanalytic theory and practice. (2008). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 106, 120-148.