Remembering, repeating, working through: background of our memory


  • Saúl Paciuk


tiempo, narración, sujeto, escisión


Recollection, repetition and working through - three modalities of presentation of the associations in psychoanalysis -
refer to time ecstasies: recollection brings back into existence a past that we believed concluded, the repetition talks about
transference, a present that masks the past, working through is open memory in the process of construction, displaying the open
doors that this past contained. In all cases, the background of the figures of memory is time in its two forms, chronologic time and
temporality, which is emptied when it is forced to coincide with chronologic time. Maybe these times, of urgencies that set us apart from the important things, call for lives without thickness that avoid the time lived that talks about birth, life stories, and overall death that re-sets our not hingness as horizon (born being), time lived whose atmosphere is the angst and that needs to be recovered.


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Repetir, recordar...figuras de la memoria

How to Cite

Remembering, repeating, working through: background of our memory. (2007). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 105, 192-212.