The Working trough and its models


  • René Roussillon


elaboración, resistencia, construcción


The author deepens in this paper the working through concept in a closer relation with resistance, showing five types of resistance,
classified by Freud in Ego resistance, Id resistance, SuperEgo resistance. In the case of the Ego resistance, the work develops “fragment by fragment” towards “repressed motions” and around the scenes and reminds that “narrate” them. This work supposes that repression is exerted over representations and remembered facts that have been conscious and secondarily repressed , this allows the “transference neurosis”.The Id resistances generate in clinical situations in which the unconscious material have not been represented or even repressed secondarily. Those are traumatic relationship modes that
hinder the metaphorization work, “originally repressed”, before any true subjectivation takes place.
This working through demands the transformation or the “primary psychic materia l” in a suitable way to turn conscious
and integrated to the Ego. This is a symbolization work “by two”. The SuperEgo resistance: working through this resistance,
means to go back in the same way as the “shadow” of the parental objects of the patient fell upon him and contributed to the Super
Ego development. A co-construction work is necessary, also for the Ego resistances. The analyst could not disclose something about is own functioning, his ideals. To disguise this fact is to take the risk of encyst a focal point in counter transference and magnify the
submissiveness or rebellion of the analysand facing a super Ego – deal Ego.


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