Symbolization, an unconscious staging


  • Myrta Casas de Pereda


simbolización, significante, afecto


It contains a brief summary of the concept of simbolization, taken into account that from a psychoanalitical perspective, it
requires to mark certain contour lines: it is not about knowing or knowledge. Freud, in an im-possible synthesis, limits such concept when he proposes that it belongs to the unconscious work. The conceptual basis used that concern loss and sustitution,
where death and castration are the indispensable articulators, are stated.
The whole of self perception is already an effect of the writing the drive determines from all erogenous zones. The real-ization
of the drive constitute us because it establishes unconscious writing and leads us to re-think the psychoanalytic signifier through which wish circulates. Contributions from literature and semiotics barely mentioned here, are open paths to reflection about this topic.


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CASAS de PEREDA, M. (1999) . En el camino de la Simbolización,

Producción del sujeto psíquico. Editorial Paidós, Buenos Aires.

FREUD, S. (1895) Proyecto de psicología en Obras Completas, Amorrotu

Edit, T. I, 1976.

(1915) Apéndice C. Palabra y cosa, en Obras Completas,

Amorrortu Edit. T. XIV, 1976.

(1915) “Lo inconciente”, en Obras Completas, Amorrortu Edit. T. XIV, 1976.

LACAN, J. (1959) En memoria de E. Jones, Sobre la teoría del simbolismo en Escritos II, 1975, Siglo XXI Editores, México.

TABUCCHI, A. (2006) Autobiografías ajenas, poéticas a posteriori. Anagrama, Barcelona.






Simbolización y experiencia analítica

How to Cite

Symbolization, an unconscious staging. (2007). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 104, 180-186.

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