Looking for symbolization


  • Gustavo Jarast


historia del psicoanálisis, contratransferencia, construcción, trauma temprano, fallas en la simbolización


The author tries to broach the psychoanalist´s technical therapeutic task, based on metapsychology, so as to broach the
possible treatment of patients with severe disadvantages in their capability of symbolization.
He also tries to avoid present discussions of psychoanalysis, through which they have been controversies- or pseudocontroversies-, rather disappoints or misunderstandings, which date from foundationals times of our science. Particularly the bond Freud- Ferenczi, that in itself already represented the moments and urgencies of each one, that took them in an irrevocable affirmative position of which they considered the truth. But that same enthusiasm and urgency, prevented them from having the necessary elaborative time to find the arguments that they sustained, to criterion of the author, the common search of both, as far as the passion to find the best technical resources than they allowed to relieve the patient´s suffering, particularly of that one with smaller symbolic elements to be able to face it. Finally, the author proposes a technical approach for the treatment of these severe patients.


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Simbolización y experiencia analítica

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