Life games - death games in adolescence


  • Alvaro Nin Novoa


adolescencia, juego, grupo, material clínico


We depart from de Freudian and Winnicottian concepts about playing, like a human activity that allows us open our minds to the
comprehension of the unconscious dynamics. In this paper we will focus in the different kinds of games (playing) in adolescence,
like: playing with the mirror, playing with the other, falling in love and playing love and hate with another one. We will point out the
topics of the transitional phenomena and transitional objects, and the way the adolescent signifies as a differed action the childhood
playing, attempting to do an overview through the different possibilities of psychic structuration in the adolescent crisis.
Clinical material is included.


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How to Cite

Life games - death games in adolescence. (2006). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 103, 215-230.