"Eppur si muove" Notes on the subject of psychoanalysis


  • Luis Campalans


sujeto, subjetivación, sujeto del inconsciente, teoría lacaniana, cura, dirección de la cura


This work is proposed to deal with the strictly psychoanalytic statute to the idea of subject. That cannot be seen in freudian texts
but in the inevitable effect of his revision on the grounds of praxis. If subjectivation is seen as “the construction of the subject”, this
implies two basic matters: a hypothesis about his original constitution and a theory about his production in the analytic cure.
These two concepts coincide with the freudian idea of the unconscious and are correlative to the notion of cure and the role
of the analyst because that subject of the psychoanalytic approach takes part in his interpretation by the Other. Unlike his persona or individuality, his Ego and also his Being, the freudian subject subverts the classic notion of subject as a basic premise of unity.
Not existing a priori, that subject “becomes something new” as a result of the signifier journey under transference, changing at the
end of it. Everything that is strictly therapeutic in the analytic experience relies on this apart from the degree of symptomatic
remission. The resistance towards psychoanalysis, apart from those coming from the exterior, are intrinsic to its foundation as an 
inevitable effect of the subversive essence of its basic notions. Analysts are then placed in a paradoxal double situation: Not only
are they the main agents to keep oblivion under lock and key but also they possess the key to release it.


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Debates sobre la subjetivación en Psicoanálisis

How to Cite

"Eppur si muove" Notes on the subject of psychoanalysis. (2006). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 103, 160-171. http://publicaciones.apuruguay.org/index.php/rup/article/view/1608