The game of building and demolishing

From the baby to the adolescent…and beyond


  • Régine Prat


play, baby, holding, subjectivation, creation, integration, technique, abuse, construction, confidence, clinical material


The paper deals with the nature of early experiences that promote the building of trust in both the internal objects and personal capacities: adolescence implies a re-experience, inseparable from confidence in a world liable to resisting destruction. The analysis of the construction / destruction of a tower of blocks that a baby can perform gives evidence of the process of working through the
first interpersonal experiences present in this play activity, which allows the baby both to construct the reliability of an internal mother and to express trust and hope in itself and in his environment. Early obstacles in the construction of trust, intrusions into the psychic space of the other, by actions that can seem dull, also represent experiences of abuse: these could be precursors or favoring factors of later sexual abuses. The paper focuses on the heart of psychic violence, which hinders the internalization and appropriation of intimate experience and deeply disturbs identity inscriptions and the construction of limits.


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Author Biography

  • Régine Prat

    Asociación Francófona de Capacitación en la Observación de Bebés según Esther Bick.


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How to Cite

The game of building and demolishing: From the baby to the adolescent…and beyond. (2017). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 124, 44-56.

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