Real games


  • Juan Carlos Capo


poder, ideología, saber, verdad, olvido


These lines include the words: ideology, psychoanalysis, institution, power, superego, truth, forgetfulness, phallus, and other words as meaningful as the ones mentioned before. It also includes the opposition religion-psychoanalysis. It focuses as well on institutional unease, plus the problems arisen when reading a Freudian text, whether it is for the canonization induced by teachers
or for the numerous meanings of the text itself. One part of the experience, the analysis and the study related to the
problematic relationship with the IPA and the so-called “Eitingon spirit” is set as an example, a real sample of surveillance and control in the transmission of the psychoanalysis’ education. Remembering the socialist and humanistic ideas of the author in his
youth, made him describe the passage from a true militancy to the imaginary underlying denial, which covers what is real about ideology. It was considered necessary to include ideology in a package, which also contains terror and set it as an example in both of the last century social disasters: Nazism and Stalinism. There was an attempt to distinguish the threatening demands, not always
made out, which were carried out from ideology to psychoanalysis, and the answers of the latter, more elaborated, more reflexive, but having less immediate response, as from ideology, in an urgent way, are expected. To expand his mind horizons, the author resorted to Allouch, Deleuze and Foucault’s readings, plus a text he once wrote, which was, twenty-five years later, again studied.


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ALLOUCH, J. Freud, et puis Lacan. E.P.E.L. París, 1993.

------------------- El psicoanálisis, una erotología de pasaje.Litoral.Córdoba. 1997.

------------------- El sexo de la verdad. Erotología analítica II. Litoral. Córdoba, 1999.

-AMIS, M. Koba el Temible. La risa y los Veinte Millones.Anagrama. Barcelona. 2004.

-BAUDELAIRE, CH. Les fleurs du mal. 1857.(Serie de poemas sobre el Spleen). Edition Monvallon. 1988. Roumanie. .

-CAPO, J. (1987). Ideología y psicoanálisis: una asíntota.Temas de psicoanálisis. Montevideo, Asociación Psicoanalítica del Uruguay. No. 8: pp. 9-19

-______________(1993) Psicoanálisis y surrealismo: cercanías y distancias. En Temas de Psicoanálisis. Montevideo, Asociación Psicoanalítica

del Uruguay, 1993. Año 9, n. 19; pp. 23-38

-_______________(1993) La multiplicidad de las personas psíquicas. pp. 39-50. Publicación del Congreso: "La Neurosis Hoy". Montevideo, Uruguay,


DELEUZE, G. Diferencia y repetición.1968. Amorrortu editores. Buenos Aires, 2002.

-FOUCAULT, M. Obras esenciales. Vol I "Entre filosofía y literatura" y Vol. II. Estrategias de poder. 1994. Paidós.Barcelona, 1999.

-________________Historia de la locura en la época clásica. 1964. Fondo de Cultura Económica, México, 1986.

-_______________Les mots et les choses. 1966. Une archéologie des sciences humaines. Éditions Gallimard. París.






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