About the possible fate of early trauma


  • Stella Yardino


trauma temp´rano, desamparo, angustia de separaci´on


This paper proposes an approach to early los ses -particularly of the mother figure- concei ved as early traumatic situations
and its effects on the psyche during the structural process. The hypothesis sustained here is that these early traumas
submit the ego to helplessness leaving a trace which is not Even though this sort s ubject nevertheless, would activate, in key moments such as adolescence or the access to paternity, something of that unspeakable experience, leading to failure the attempts of Iinking to repeat.
actions, time" of the traumatic situation in which the "as if' of play, words and transferential resignification could find new meanings. Thinking about the possibility of working through these the work of symbolization and historization in the transference
would only partially reconstruct the failing fabric determinig the persistence of marks or remains which cannot be worked


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How to Cite

About the possible fate of early trauma. (2005). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 100, 136-148. http://publicaciones.apuruguay.org/index.php/rup/article/view/1532