Some peculiarities in the psychoanalytic treatment of adolescent patients.


  • Álvaro Nin Novoa


crisis vital, actuación, material clínico


The author brings forth some of the questions and difficulties of the analytical practice with adolescent patients. Taking into account the existence of a pulsational short circuit, as well as the insufficiencies of symbolization, he proposes working with the different types of acts produced along the way; be they compulsive, symptomatic, games etc. Counter- transferentially, the analyst
slides his attention to the how and when of his intervention, in detriment to his regressive possibilities with floating attention. Adolescence is treated as a period of life after which a reformulated psyche will emerge, with new psychic inscriptions. 
Three distinctive moments in adolescence are described, and the libidinal movements are pointed out and linked to the lutes that must necessarily be transitioned, as well as the difficulties in integrating the adult world. To conclude, the characteristics of the construction of the analytical space are pointed out; illustrated with a clinical diagram. 


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How to Cite

Some peculiarities in the psychoanalytic treatment of adolescent patients. (2004). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 99, 153-168.