The love in adolescence; teenagers who can't love.


  • Gonzalo Varela Viglietti


adolescencia, amor, enamoramiento, objeto de amor, amor de transferencia, material clínico


To tackle a topic like love is not an easy task. The importance that one could concede to the experience of falling in love during the adolescent process is a guideline for the author in this paper. The availability to fall in love is taken as a reliable indicator of a new
libidinal and narcissistic stance, all of which shows a process that is going on well. The serious pathologies during adolescence rapidly upset the young person’s capacity to establish love bonds. These ideas are illustrated through a clinical vignette. Finally, the author faces the problem of adolescents who can’t love and the various “solutions” to which they arrive.


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How to Cite

The love in adolescence; teenagers who can’t love. (2004). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 99, 132-152.

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