The power of the sociocultural and the archaic in eating pathologies


  • Cristina Martínez de Bagattini


género, perversión, desmentida, odio, material clínico, lo arcaico


This paper tries to set a connecting theme between the social and family aspects and the self structure of these patients who will turn into severe food disorders. From the social side, the author points out characteristics which are
typical of our time and have an incidence on some family structures. Some aspects of the mortal maternal narcissism and those of the phantoms taking part in the mother-daughter relation are brought up. These archaic disorders are later entwined in the oedipic process and cause failures in the structuring of the psyche, failures in satisfactory narcissistic supports and in the constitution of “feminity”. The author provisionally uses the structure of “perversion” to show how these patients behave in the acute stages of their illness. Clinical vignettes are shown to illustrate these ideas.


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How to Cite

The power of the sociocultural and the archaic in eating pathologies. (2004). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 99, 69-83.